TOP/タイモブインフォ/【Motivated Teenagers(13-17 yrs old) Wanted】Online Cross-Cultural Entrepreneurship Program
Online Cross-Cultural Entrepreneurship Program for teenagers has been launched. Let's develop innovative business ideas with international teammates!
This is a 100% online, cross cultural entrepreneurship program.
The goal of this program is to inspire junior high/ high students (7th to 9th grade) to find innovative solutions to local and global challenges. We form mixed, multinational teams of students from schools around the world and enable them to collaborate in solving real world problems through the creation of real startups, in which a product /solution to a selected problem is realised.
Participants will make a small working group. You will be given a challenge and will solve it as a team.
You can talk with your mentor and will create video pitch once a week.
Through the all process to create new service/product, you can lean entrepreneurship.
- International team : Participants are from various countries; Israel, United States etc.
- 100% Online : You can work virtually. comitiment/working hour for the project can be disscussed with your teammates
- Weekly mentorship
- Weekly video pitch
- Learning entrepreneurship by doing actual business; planning, prototyping, funding, laurnching etc.
Israel is know as a startup nation. It has the largest number of startups per capita in the world.
You can lean entrepreneurship mindset by doing actual business.
Program start in April 2020 (For about 4- 5month)
※Application due: 5th of April
- Youth (13 yrs old to 17 yrs old) with the passions to change the world, to make a better world, to be a next generation's leader
- Who can speak English well enough to work with international students
- Who want to be an entrepreneur
1. Click "イベントに参加する" on thie page.
2. Set up an interview with a mentor.
3. You will join the program if you pass the interview.
* Application, participation: FREE
Experienced serial entrepreneurs will provide this full-edged online program.
We believe you have the potential to make a huge impact on this world.
This is your chance to step forward and take action.
Our team should empower us and complete us. We focus a lot on this aspect, as without teamwork its much harder to obtain your goals.
When we work in multi national teams we diversify our perspective. Become an international entrepreneur rather than a local one.
Every project we mentor should have a positive impact on humanity at it’s core.
Start from thinking how can you make this world better.
Yukako Ban
期間 2~3週間,2ヶ月以上,3ヶ月以上,半年以上,約1年
フィリピン セブ島の日系語学学校で留学生の成長をサポートするインターンシップ
期間 半年以上,約1年
ネパール ネパールの子どもたちの未来を一緒に創る日本式学校NPO法人でのインターンシップ
期間 2~3週間,1ヶ月以上,2ヶ月以上,3ヶ月以上
シンガポール シンガポールのコンサルティングファームでのアナリストインターンシップ
期間 3ヶ月以上,半年以上
インド インドのローカルスクールで日本語/日本語文化を伝える教師インターンシップ
期間 半年以上,約1年