Hello everyone! My name is Thomas, I am 25 years old and I come from Germany.
I am very excited to start my internship in Tokyo with Tiger Mov and support the company as much as I can! I have an apprenticeship as bank employee, an BSc in Economics and will finish my Master in German Taxation, Accounting and Public Finance next year. I am also interested in consulting, HR and new applicable technologies in companies. Thats why I worked through my studies in the HR department of Volkswagen AG the last two years. Unfortunately, processes were very slow and changes were only accepted slowly or not at all. For this reason I am very excited to do my internship with Tiger Mov, as their vision is to develop the next generation's leader and to change the mind of the Japanese companies for foreign employees.
Why I did choose Japan for my internship?
First I became aware of Japan as a teenager. I was fascinated about the culture. It is completely different from German culture. I began to get more and more involved with the country. Three years ago I went to Japan for the first time to see the culture with my own eyes. I was fascinated by the mix of highly modernized technology and the old culture that is still practised. From that moment on, I knew I had to come back. I want to learn more about the Japanese way of living and espacially the way of work. And so I was looking for an internship in Japan.
Another reason for my internship in Japan is that I always worked in big companies with many people. The disadvantage of such companies is that the processes are very slow. I want to see by myself how a small company works. So that I can choose the right employer after my studies. I hope Tiger Mov will help me develop my professional skills and become a more diverse and experienced person. As an exchange, I will work hard for the company and will put all my energy into the projects.
In the future I will have completed my MSc in German Taxation, Accounting and Public Finance and want to work as a consultant. Whether I will work in a large company, a small company or as a self-employed person is still uncertain. But Tiger Mov will help me to find an answer.
For now , I am looking forward to my internship with Tiger Mov and I can't wait to see what the future and Tiger Mov has to offer. So let's work hard and achieve great results; or as we say in Germany: Sei ehrlich, fleißig und zuverlässig (Be honest, diligent and reliable.)