Hello everyone! My name is Vina, I am 25 years old and I come from Indonesia. I am very excited to work with TigerMov friends, learn about their working systems and I want to explore my knowledge by working across disciplines with them.
I got my Bsc degree in Biology from Univeritas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Indonesia and I will continue my master study in Environmental Technology, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia. I am Interested in studying and taking part in environmental issues. My interest in environmental issues has driven me to carry out various researches in college that have been published nationally and internationally. My researches include bioremediation of water pollution by metals, biodiversity assessment and coral reef water assessment. In addition, during college, I participated in many Islamic and scientific student organization activities which led to many opportunities to visit various places that train my adaptation skills. I've been to Korea for one week to do publication, 2 months in remote areas to do community service, 1 month in the wild in a national park, 3 months internship at an energy company. My internship opportunities in TigerMov will add my experience in recognize a professional work environment and extend my relation, especially related to the field that I want to work in. Some of the things I want to do at TigerMov are, firstly, to create a good and attractive curriculum for a program that is implemented in good strategy,planning and implementation, secondly, learn to understand the potential market and its approach. Third, although it is not the main goal, but I wish to help TigerMov expand its network in Indonesia by introducing companies that have potential to become TigerMov partners.
- Why I did choose Japan for my internship?
I personally have never been to Japan and one day I hope to be there. I had my first experience working with a Japanese company at the end of my studies. I am very impressed with their dedication to the work. Everything is well-planned and structured so that the workflow becomes easy and clear. I like the communication culture to keep updating progress and working conditions so that supervisors or colleagues can help anytime when something happens, that is a good team work. I also really appreciate the culture of “sorry” and “thank you” inherent in Japanese culture which reflects fairness, respect and humanity. These are some of the reasons I like to join Japanese company for my internship.
I believe TigerMov as a platform that can accommodate a variety of individual backgrounds. Everyone can explore their favorite field to the fullest through the available services. Therefore, TigerMov will help me in developing myself into someone professional and experienced and ready to be part of the Next Generation Leader. In the future, I will complete my Master's Study and take the steps to become an environmental expert, whether I will work in a private company, government or lecturer has not been decided yet. But I'm sure my experience at TigerMov will influence my decision in the future.
For now, I am looking forward to my internship with Tiger Mov and I can't wait to see what the future and Tiger Mov has to offer. As my motto "Learn everything, believe in one thing", so let's explore and learn!