TOP/海外インターンシップを見つける/【オンライン】Africa Rising -スタートアップエコシステム創造のためのブートキャンプ/Boot camp for Startup Ecosystem Creator
The program is built to require about 10 - 20 hours per week as a part-time engagement over a month. The means a total of at least 40 - 80 hours distributed across the following participation mediums:
■理論的および実践的なインサイトの習得:To gain theoretical and practical insights when it comes to developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem
■アクセラレーション/インキュベーションプログラムをデザインするための基本的な能力とフレームワークの習得:Develop foundational capability and framework to design an acceleration/incubation program
■自分の興味、強み、現在の仕事に応じて、実際の効果的な部分を設計する:Design parts of an actual and effective that is contextual to your interests, strengths and current work
・スタートアップエコシスムに興味がある:People who are interested in Startup Ecosystem
・アクセラレータープログラムをつくりたい:People who want to start the accelerator program
・VCやエンジェル投資に関わっている:People who are in Corporate Venture Capital, People in VC’s and angel investors
・アフリカに投資したい:People who want to invest in Africa
・アフリカのスタートアップに関心がある:People who are interested in startups in Africa
Week 1:
Day # | Theme: Entrepreneurship theory and ecosystem theory. Assignment: Ecosystem role. |
Day 1 (Mon 1 June) | Introductions, overview and foundations |
Day 2 | Reading & goal setting workshop |
Day 3 | Reading & goal setting |
Day 4 | Lecture and Assignment 1 |
Day 5 | Assignment 1 & goal setting |
Day 6 | Lecture & Webinar |
Day 7 | Content & Assignment 1: Submit |
Week 2:
Day # | Theme: Entrepreneurship ecosystem interventions in South Africa, Entrepreneur voices |
Day 8 (Mon 8 June) | Lecture & Content |
Day 9 | Content & Assignment 2 |
Day 10 | Assignment 2: Research and Interviews |
Day 11 | Assignment 2: Research and Interviews |
Day 12 | Assignment 2: Research and Interviews |
Day 13 | Assignment 2: Research and Interviews |
Day 14 | Lecture and Assignment 2: Research and Interviews (Discussion and engagement) |
Day 15 | Lecture and Assignment 2: Research and Interviews (Submit) |
Week 3:
Day # | Theme: Design ecosystem program and acceleration content |
Day 16 (Mon 15 June) | Lecture (design process) and Assignment 3: Design program and content |
Day 18 | Assignment 3: Design program and content |
Day 19 | Assignment 3: Design program and content |
Day 20 | Webinar & Assignment 3: Design program and content |
Day 21 | Assignment 3: Design program and content |
Day 22 | Lecture & Assignment 3: Design program and content |
Day 23 | Assignment 3: Design program and content (engagement and discussion) (Submit checkpoint 1) |
Week 4:
Day # | Theme: Market and ecosystem feedback and iteration |
Day 24 (Mon 22 June) | Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement) |
Day 25 | Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement) |
Day 26 | Assignment 3: Design program and content (Check-in engagement) (Receive comments for checkpoint 1) |
Day 27 | Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement) |
Day 28 | Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement) |
Day 29 | Assignment 3: Design program and content (Presentation, discussion and feedback) |
Day 30 | Closing lecture, presentation, discussion and feedback |
・中東アフリカ担当 伴優香子(ばん・ゆかこ)
・Mentor/ Organizer: Buntu Majaja (DUYO)
・プレトリア大学 大学院( PDBA
・ Wits Business School (起業家育成、新規事業創出
・ A.T. カーニー(ヨハネスブルグ)
・ Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability
・ DUYO(創業者・代表)
Buntu Majaja has enterprised since university. He took a background in chemical engineering into the business world as a strategy and innovation consultant. He is passionate about education and entrepreneurship as a nexus for innovation where he has studied and worked with over 1000 entrepreneurs. He has been on two startup journeys and although leaving them with failures also left with personal growth.
Today he runs a business:, based in Johannesburg South Africa, that builds digital services for entrepreneurship and education development. He is a Non-Executive Director at the SA Innovation Summit and he is author of "Starting your startup in 90 days". He holds a Chemical Engineering undergraduate degree (University of Pretoria), a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Gordon Institute of Business Sciences) and a Masters in Management specialisation in Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and New Venture Creation (Wits Business School).
期間 1週間以下
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期間 1週間以下
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