
TOP/海外インターンシップを見つける/【オンライン】Africa Rising -スタートアップエコシステム創造のためのブートキャンプ/Boot camp for Startup Ecosystem Creator

【オンライン】Africa Rising -スタートアップエコシステム創造のためのブートキャンプ/Boot camp for Startup Ecosystem Creator



  • 期間:2ヶ月以上
  • 短期合宿型


Startup success is more than just about good ideas, but about the ecosystem quality as well.



















プログラムコンテンツ:Point/Feature of the program



The program is built to require about 10 - 20 hours per week as a part-time engagement over a month. The means a total of at least 40 - 80 hours distributed across the following participation mediums: 


  • Lectures (10%) 
    • These are live webinars whereby the participants part takes in a discussion-based learning environment where they are taught the fundamentals of entrepreneurship ecosystem development, the various aspects of entrepreneurship theory and case studies are discussed. 
  • Content (10%)
    • These are pre-recorded videos of presented content related to specific case studies, experiential narratives of entrepreneurship ecosystem interventions and startups
  • Research (20%)
    • These are provided for coursework and reading material that the participant will analyse and synthesise written outputs.
  • Interviews (10%)
    • The participants are advised to find contacts to reach out to and conduct field surveys and research through interaction and interviews. These interviews are based on the achievements that the participant wishes to gain out of the program.
  • Assignments (40%)
    • These are application-based tasks that the participant builds in the process of the program and after the program. During the program, they develop the frameworks and tools that they want to use and do in the ecosystem field. Then after the program, they join a network of alumni that continue to engage and receive support.
  • Networking (10%)
    • This is an important aspect of ecosystems. Whereby knowledge, opportunities and finance can flow depending on the efficiency of networks. Therefore the participants are engaged in a during program community and post-program community that continues to provide networking opportunities and support. 


プログラムのゴール:Goals of the program


  • ■エコシステムの要素・複雑性への理解を深める:Develop an understanding of the components and the complexity of entrepreneurship ecosystems
    •  ・エコシステムプレイヤーのプロファイリング:Profiling of ecosystem players
    •  ・エコシステムのマッピング:Mapping ecosystems
    •  ・複雑性とネットワーキングの理論:Complex theory and network theory
    •  ・エコシステムのコア要素:Core aspects of entrepreneurship ecosystems 

■理論的および実践的なインサイトの習得:To gain theoretical and practical insights when it comes to developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem

■アクセラレーション/インキュベーションプログラムをデザインするための基本的な能力とフレームワークの習得:Develop foundational capability and framework to design an acceleration/incubation program

■自分の興味、強み、現在の仕事に応じて、実際の効果的な部分を設計する:Design parts of an actual and effective that is contextual to your interests, strengths and current work



  • ■エコシステムの基礎と理論を理解する:Entrepreneurship ecosystem fundamentals and theory 
    • Learning about the foundational aspects of entrepreneurship and startup theory. This is in the different ways in which entrepreneurship is defined and categorised from technopreneurship, social entrepreneurship and corporate entrepreneurship.The various elements that qualify startups and stages of startups. How these aspects interact in a network of resources that forms the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • ■エコシステムの例とケーススタディを理解する:Entrepreneurship ecosystem examples and case studies
    • Entrepreneurship ecosystems are very contextual and path dependent in their development. Therefore reviewing case studies and examples from different contexts enriches one’s scope of understanding and studying new ecosystems.
  • ■南アフリカのエコシステムのプレイヤーや起業家の声に触れる:Entrepreneurship ecosystem interventions in South Africa, Entrepreneur voices
    • This is learning real-life and practical applications of entrepreneurship, startups and entrepreneurship ecosystem advocates in order to appreciate how it overlaps with theory and how it differs compared to theory, especially considering the South African, and emerging markets’ context.
  • ■アクセラレーションやインキュベーションに必要な要素を理解する:The components of an acceleration and incubation program
    • These are some of the most popular and famed enablers within the startup ecosystem. They often play a central role next to entrepreneurship in order to increase ecosystem effectiveness. However because of their central they are also often liable to fault for poor performing ecosystems. They themselves are also often entrepreneurial, with difficult business models, in Africa, and take on multiple roles in the ecosystem.
  • ■アクセラレーターとインキュベーターのためのコンテンツ開発:How to develop content for accelerators and incubators
    • When looking closer at the functions and core services of these, it involves capacity development, network access and funding. What do these mean in an incubator context and in an accelerator context. In our context of what we want to achieve what does it mean?
  • ■エコシステムの役割ごとの最適なビジネスモデルを理解する:The appropriate business model for their role in the ecosystem in relation to their ecosystem
    • Understanding the options for sustainability can have a pivotal impact on the success of an ecosystem player. These are largely driven by data and networks, therefore we can learn about data points to collect, how to present it and what kind of marketplaces to connect with in order to develop sustainability and income.


・スタートアップエコシスムに興味がある:People who are interested in Startup Ecosystem

・アクセラレータープログラムをつくりたい:People who want to start the accelerator program

・VCやエンジェル投資に関わっている:People who are in Corporate Venture Capital, People in VC’s and angel investors

・アフリカに投資したい:People who want to invest in Africa

・アフリカのスタートアップに関心がある:People who are interested in startups in Africa






Week 1: 


Day #

Theme: Entrepreneurship theory and ecosystem theory. Assignment: Ecosystem role. 

Day 1 (Mon 1 June) 

Introductions, overview and foundations

Day 2

Reading & goal setting workshop

Day 3

Reading & goal setting

Day 4

Lecture and Assignment 1

Day 5

Assignment 1 & goal setting

Day 6 

Lecture & Webinar 

Day 7

Content & Assignment 1: Submit 


Week 2:


Day #

Theme: Entrepreneurship ecosystem interventions in South Africa, Entrepreneur voices

Day 8 (Mon 8 June)

Lecture & Content 

Day 9

Content & Assignment 2

Day 10

Assignment 2: Research and Interviews

Day 11

Assignment 2: Research and Interviews

Day 12

Assignment 2: Research and Interviews

Day 13

Assignment 2: Research and Interviews

Day 14

Lecture and Assignment 2: Research and Interviews (Discussion and engagement)

Day 15

Lecture and Assignment 2: Research and Interviews (Submit) 


Week 3: 


Day #

Theme: Design ecosystem program and acceleration content

Day 16 (Mon 15 June)

Lecture (design process) and Assignment 3: Design program and content

Day 18

Assignment 3: Design program and content

Day 19

Assignment 3: Design program and content

Day 20

Webinar & Assignment 3: Design program and content

Day 21

Assignment 3: Design program and content

Day 22

Lecture & Assignment 3: Design program and content

Day 23

Assignment 3: Design program and content (engagement and discussion) (Submit checkpoint 1)


Week 4:


Day #

Theme: Market and ecosystem feedback and iteration

Day 24 (Mon 22 June)

Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement)

Day 25

Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement)

Day 26

Assignment 3: Design program and content (Check-in engagement) (Receive comments for checkpoint 1) 

Day 27 

Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement)

Day 28

Assignment 3: Design program and content (market engagement)

Day 29

Assignment 3: Design program and content (Presentation, discussion and feedback)

Day 30

Closing lecture, presentation, discussion and feedback













・中東アフリカ担当 伴優香子(ばん・ゆかこ)




・Mentor/ Organizer: Buntu Majaja (DUYO)




・プレトリア大学 大学院( PDBA

・ Wits Business School (起業家育成、新規事業創出


・ A.T. カーニー(ヨハネスブルグ)

・ Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability

・ DUYO(創業者・代表)


Buntu Majaja has enterprised since university. He took a background in chemical engineering into the business world as a strategy and innovation consultant. He is passionate about education and entrepreneurship as a nexus for innovation where he has studied and worked with over 1000 entrepreneurs. He has been on two startup journeys and although leaving them with failures also left with personal growth. 

Today he runs a business: DUYO.co.za, based in Johannesburg South Africa, that builds digital services for entrepreneurship and education development. He is a Non-Executive Director at the SA Innovation Summit and he is author of "Starting your startup in 90 days". He holds a Chemical Engineering undergraduate degree (University of Pretoria), a Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (Gordon Institute of Business Sciences) and a Masters in Management specialisation in Entrepreneurship Ecosystems and New Venture Creation (Wits Business School).


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