エントリーフォームは英語で記入をお願いいたします。また、メール(にてCVとMotivation Letterも一緒にお送りいただきますようお願いいたします。
We are dedicated to the growth of entrepreneurs and innovation in Africa, at different stages and across all industries. Our work is founded upon four foundational pillars: connect, originate, showcase, and support.
We have developed a platform for nurturing, developing, and showcasing African innovation, as well as facilitating innovation thought-leadership to inspire sustained economic growth across the African continent.
We offer interns a unique opportunity to gain intimate exposure to entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems and provides ample opportunity to create, run and implement ideas and initiatives yourself when it aligns to company purpose.
Interns interact with stakeholders such as top start-ups, investors, innovation-oriented corporates, business leaders and policymakers. As an intern one can gain valuable experience a wide range of 21st century skills such as being entrepreneurial, marketing, design, digital media, project management, corporate communication, sales, business development, research as well as business and data analytics. Interns need to be comfortable with constant change, be able to take initiative, work responsibly on their own and be able to take on multiple responsibilities at the same time.
- Business development skills
- Project Management and communication skills
- Marketing and community engagement skills
- Exposure to large and impactful stakeholders / organisations
- Exposure to the latest trends in innovation, technology, new business ideas
- Exposure to thought leadership, masterclasses and SAIS events.
- Practice pitching and crafting value propositions.
- Become more entrepreneurial.
Get access to the TechTribe community, an innovation & entrepreneur driven community.
We seek dynamic, hardworking, and talented individuals to fill the following internship roles.
> Go getter
> Open to new ideas and experiences
> Driven
> Good communicator
> Interested in innovation and social impact
6 months to 12 months
Unpaid internship
*Negotiable based on finantial situation, commitment and skillset
• Microsoft Office proficiency (Word, Powerpoint and Excel)
• Desktop research
• Email and messenger communication
• Be organised
• Take initiative
• Good communication skills
• Planning skills
• Adaptability
• Able to tolerate stress
• Work out of office at least once a week
• Able to tolerate stress
Our Value Proposition is that our effort should go towards enabling the Tech Entrepreneur as she and he will be the only entity able to leapfrog systematic change to alleviate poverty, drive inclusiveness whilst meeting Industry 4.0 head-on. Large business, curricula in the universities and government policies cannot move fast enough to keep up with the technological changes. The ability to nurture talent to be tech entrepreneurs and work with them is an important challenge to overcome
He is ascinated about human positivity, how we are all connected (socially and beyond) and they way in which technology is shaping that for the future of social innovation, entrepreneurship and education.
He has enterprised since university. He took a background in chemical engineergin into a business world as astrategy and innovation consultant. Today he builds digital services for entrepreneurship and education development.
- A.T.Kearney (Johannesburg)
- Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability
- University of Pretoria/ Chemical Engineering
- Gordon Institute of Business Science/ Post graduate Diploma, Business Administration and Management, General
- Wits Business School/ Masters in Management, Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
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