エントリーフォームは英語で記入をお願いいたします。また、メール(にてCVとMotivation Letterも一緒にお送りいただきますようお願いいたします。
Founded in 2008, it specially focuses on collaborating with women artisans and entrepreneurs from rural excluded communities in order to achieve the following
● Alleviation of cycle of systemic poverty by providing livelihood(s)
● Cultural sustainability of “weaving” in Indonesia
● Preventing break down of families and community due to outward migration
We actively follow UN SDGs 1 - No Poverty, 5 - Gender Equality and 12 - Sustainable consumption and production, and is working towards setting up an ethical end-to-end supply chain and addressing SDG -13 (Climate Action).
- Business Development intern:
●Work closely with the CEO and Commercial team to discuss business development and strategic project opportunities, in line with our best practice.
● Create, develop and monitor sales and marketing reports and draw in data to gather business
insights. Interns will have the opportunity to make recommendations to implement optimal marketing and sales strategies.
● Research and suggest Sales and Marketing automation solutions and reporting tools
● Conducts research which includes competitive analysis, market research, business developments, and gathering insights to support and innovate our business functions.
● Possibility of a cross-department work, where interns have the opportunity to have first hand experience in other business functions.
- Market Research Intern: We are looking for someone with an understanding of international markets, especially Japan and North Asia.
- Operations Intern: We are looking for someone who is process-driven, detail oriented, and has interest in operations processes tools and is able to work as an advisor for operations related processes.
- Data Management intern: We are looking for someone who can look at our data structure, tools, and processes and help us create a better data strategy.
We have keen interest in supporting and prioritizing people who are willing to learn and have interest in learning, instead of only experienced people.
- Unpaid
- Commissions if involved in specific funding and projects
*Since we are a bootstrapped company, our funding is limited, but our plan is to raise funds in the coming months. With a successful raise, we might be able to provide stipends for interns.
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